Permit to Work Issuer
Permit-to-work systems are necessary for high-risk activities and those that may compromise existing safety procedures. As a result, if you work in an industry that often carries out high-risk work, you must know what a permit-to-work is and what it should cover.
The HSE expectation is clear on this subject and the HSG250 guideline is embedded in Reece Safety permit to work training materials to ensure full understanding and compliance.
Course purpose
This course will explain the purpose of permit-to-work systems and what types of high risk tasks may require them. It covers what sections a permit should contain, who has the responsibility for preparing it, and the duties of everyone who will need to carry out work covered by a permit.
On successful completion of the course, you will understand how to prepare a permit, or how to follow it if your workplace receives one, so you can ensure everyone carries out high-risk work safely.
Reece Safety will often dovetail the requirements for Confined Space management and entry and Height Safety with the PTW training where the relationship with Permit to Work Issuer, Subject Specialist and Authorised Person is then covered.